
Intent and Aims

Art embodies some of the highest forms of human creativity. Here at Moulton, we aim to provide an outstanding Art education that engages, inspires and challenges pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art. As pupils progress, they will be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of Art and Design. They will also appreciate how Art both reflects and contributes to society.

  • Develop a sense of creativity.
  • Develop a critical understanding of different artists and styles and how they evolve.
  • Give students the practical skills they require to draw, paint or sculpt either in further study or as a hobby.
  • Develop a lifelong love of art, painting, sculpture and design.
  • Expose students to a variety of cultures.
  • Provide opportunities to explore the reasons why artistic styles evolve and progress.

Key skills

  • Being able to proficiently draw, paint and sculpt using a variety of art, craft and design techniques.
  • Use a range of techniques and media to record observations in sketchbooks, journals and other media.
  • Handle different materials.
  • Analyse and evaluate work, in order to evaluate the visual impact and application.
  • Express ideas about the history of Art, Craft, Design and Architecture including periods, styles and major movements from ancient times up to the present day.

Key concepts

  • Creating original work using imagination or inspired from other work.
  • Reviewing images, artefacts and products.
  • Exploring different techniques.
  • Art in different historical and contemporary contexts, societies and cultures.
  • The application of Art in creative and cultural industries.
  • Safe working practices.
Our programmes of study