Meet Our Lead Ambassadors


Hello, My name is Tilly and I am so grateful for the opportunity to be one of the Lead Ambassadors at Moulton School this year. I started my journey at Moulton as a year 7 and have been involved in the student leadership from the very first opportunity I was given. These roles within student leadership such as Year Focus and Year 11 Prefect have helped me gain so many extremely valuable skills such as speaking in front of people at open evenings and having more confidence in putting forward ideas to give the most back to our school community so that everyone can receive the best education that they can whilst studying here at Moulton.

Moulton is a school which has helped me thrive in all aspects. I have been well supported throughout my journey in my academic study whilst also being given chances to represent the school in sports and extra-curricular activities like Debating.

So far in this role, I have helped develop The Moulton Monthly which is our Sixth Form newsletter with some of the senior prefects as well as helping to host fun events in the Sixth Form such as the Easter Egg Hunt. I look forward to helping make many other contributions to life at Moulton and being a representative of our school. One of my main aims whilst being a Lead Ambassador is to create the best community that we can here in sixth form and throughout the whole school. I hope to help others achieve the best they can whilst here at Moulton and I am excited to work with other students and staff to achieve this.


Hello, my name is Will and I am delighted to be one of the Lead Ambassadors who represent Moulton secondary school. I have been a student at Moulton since year 7 and have engaged in many extra curricular activities through my journey. I have been part of the student leadership programme since year 7 which has allowed me to contribute to the school in the form of open evenings and other ways such as maths mentoring and helping lower year classes in STEM subjects.

The role of Lead Ambassador is allowing me to contribute to the student voice to the school and convey the ideas of my peers to staff and other members of the Senior Prefect team, then being able to bring them into fruition. I believe that the best way to contribute to the school is to offer small improvements to different aspects of it in order to create an overall positive effect for students and teachers alike.

Moulton as a school provides a beneficial environment for students with key focuses of the mental wellbeing of the students as well as their academic attainment. This made the school the right place for me as it was able to supply a comfortable working environment throughout my years of attending as well as allowing me to focus on my studies simultaneously, to help me grow both academically and socially.

Benefitting from my experience at Moulton, I plan to organise many events in order to raise money for chosen charities which were chosen by the Moulton pupils, for example the Sixth Form charity the ‘Lowdown’, which should also, in turn, bring years and friends closer together in order to create a more coherent school for everyone. Working closely as a team I believe is the best way to create a prominent positive change to the school where the student’s voice is heard clearly and their ideas and opinions on different characteristics of it are voiced to create an enjoyable environment for everyone.